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Wellbeing Matters

Half-term Check-in

It’s a wonderful feeling when half-term suddenly arrives, and the bubble of pressure that has built up around us suddenly pops. I think this break is much needed by many of us (boys, parents and teachers alike), and with the weather set to be fair throughout the week, we can look forward to some lovely time off.

We have continued our Wellbeing Matters ‘Live’ series this term, and we are grateful to everyone who has engaged so openly, and made an active contribution to ideas for future offerings. So far, we have looked at the following topics: Pastoral Care at Pilgrims’, Online Safety, The PSHEe/RSE Curriculum and Mental Health and Wellbeing. It has been a good opportunity to engage face-to-face with one another, and begin to create a more collaborative culture within our pastoral care provision.

I have been asked to send home some ideas for conversations that parents may have with their sons, which will reinforce what has been discussed in PSHEe lessons. The topics listed below come to mind:

  • The power of asking for help when we need it, and who to ask;
  • A digital checkin: How are you managing your devices?
  • Setting aspirational goals: What are your values, and how can you live them out in the world of work one day?
  • The 5 ways to wellbeing: How do we live a healthy life? Healthy body + Healthy mind = Healthy life;
  • Building positive relationships and respect for others;
  • Transitioning well from Pilgrims’ to future schools: Who do I thank? Who do I apologise to? What am I grateful for?

On Saturday morning, we spoke about driving time as a good time to speak to boys about some of the more serious topics. A car journey is a perfect time to pin boys down for a bit of chat, as they are a captive audience, no eye contact is necessary (conversations are less threatening), and silences are not necessarily awkward. If you are driving somewhere over the half-term break, this may provide a good opportunity for some family chats.

We shall continue our Wellbeing Matters ‘Live’ sessions in the new academic year, and we welcome any ideas for topics to be covered. We hope to get a few more speakers in for future sessions so that there are a range of different voices heard.

Have a wonderful half-term, and we look forward to seeing you all at school for the exciting second half of the Summer Term.

Craig Cuyler
Assistant Deputy Head/Director of Wellbeing/Head of PSHEe/Deputy DSL/ Assistant Housemaster

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