'Resilience’ and ‘mindfulness’ are buzz words, but at Pilgrims’ they have real meaning. By teaching our boys how to look after their physical and mental health, and how to communicate their thoughts and feelings, we help them to become more confident and at ease with their place in the world.
Every staff member at Pilgrims’ has an important role in the wellbeing of each boy. Boys each have a tutor, whom they see every day and who forms a strong link with their tutee and his parents. In the ‘Hub’, there is a team of nurses with oversight of the boys’ mental and physical health. We have specialist staff, such as the Director of Wellbeing, to help individuals when needed and to develop a programme of health-related activities. Importantly, the boys are taught to be supportive of one another, how to be thoughtful, how to be kind.
Parents feel that all staff really know their children. They recognise that pastoral care is very strong. Parents feel that the school is especially nurturing.
Lessons in PSHE (personal, social, health and economic education) give boys time to learn about resilience, physical and mental health, and being part of a community. ‘Group’ is an informal gathering each week for boys in Year 7, to chat, share thoughts, feelings, and concerns. It is highly valued by the boys.
Once each week the day draws to a close with 'Reflection', a form of mindfulness and meditation, when the class and teacher are silent for ten minutes. The boys are guided towards ways in which they might use the moments of quiet to be still and to reflect - to be mindful.
Parents are often invited to discussion groups arranged by the Director of Wellbeing, many of which include helpful insights from an external speaker.
Wellbeing Matters
Read our weekly Wellbeing Matters articles from our Director of Wellbeing, Craig Cuyler.

"the spiritual development of the pupils is excellent."
"Pupils are inspired both by the all-pervading spirituality of the historic environment and by the soul-inspiring and uplifting music, which permeate and enrich every aspect of life for the whole community. This is a strength of the school."
ISI Inspection