Prep School Reviews
Don't just take our word for it. Read what others have to say about us...
talk education review 2024
"We were struck by how happy, secure and focused all the boys at this lovely prep seemed. There’s a strong sense of discipline and respect, alongside a zest for learning, fun and, of course, music."

muddy stilettos review updated 2024
"Bright, curious boys will thrive. The brotherly culture and impeccable manners gently instilled in the pupils will be especially reassuring for parents of boarders."
good schools guide review 2024
"Pilgrims’ combines stunning musical experience with strong academic results, comprehensive and diverse sporting provision and a close community."
tatler review 2024
"A unique 'double-choir' school - in which almost every boy both sings and learns an instrument."
Parent testimonials
Year 8 leaver parents
The genuine warmth shown by the teachers towards not just our son, but towards us as parents as well, is palpable and quite unique.
A school that maximises a boy’s academic potential in a happy and nurturing community.
A happy school which offers endless opportunities for boys, preparing them for senior schools and life.
An absolute gem for boys to be themselves whilst flourishing and achieving beyond their potential.
Pilgrims’ gives each boy a love of learning.
We have been so grateful for the fabulous academic preparation that our son had through being at Pilgrims’ - it made the start of senior school so much easier for him. There are so many other challenges for a 13-year-old boy when starting a new school - the academic advantage that Pilgrims’ gave him meant there was one less thing for us to worry about, for which we are very grateful.
Reception parents 2024 was so friendly and welcoming, and we just really loved the feel of the community here.
It feels like a big family!
ISI Inspection report 2023
“Pupils knowledge and understanding are of a very high quality for their age."
"Pupils behaviour is exemplary. All pupils develop a mature level of understanding and responsibility for their own behaviour because teachers and leaders encourage and promote positive behaviour."
“Almost without exception, parents who responded to the questionnaire said the school actively promotes values of democracy, respect and tolerance of other people, and treats children fairly regardless of their sex, faith, race of needs."
“EYFS and pre-prep children play happily with and around others, sharing and taking turns.”
“Boarders are supported to develop good relationships with fellow pupils and staff which is based on mutual trust and respect."
"Pupils' talents in music, not only as choristers and quiristers but throughout the school, are exceptional."
"The excellent range of extra-curricular clubs and activities contributes significantly to pupils' academic and personal development."
"Pupils spontaneously say that their high levels of self-confidence and self-esteem are developed through the secure support provided by their teachers and pastoral leaders."