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Environmentally friendly library


Environmentally friendly library

A couple of years ago the decision was taken... minimise the amount of plastic used in the Library. As a consequence, most of the new books purchased since then are not covered with adhesive transparent plastic. This makes them easy to recycle and limits the use of non-recyclable material. But it also makes them more susceptible to damage, and we continue to invite pupils to treat all books with great care, keeping them safe in lockers, bags or at home. Thank you for your support on this matter. Limiting damage and loss of stock enables us to make better use of our resources and to be less wasteful. 

This week, Mrs Leslie has been busy upcycling a table to create a fetching display unit. Mrs Brill has reached back to her childhood memories (quite a long way!), to produce a candle to complement the Remembrance display. The candle is composed of three damaged books earmarked for recycling.

An old wooden box previously containing bottles has become the latest 'quick read' display. The old white box which for years has been used to return books, has been repurposed as the new illustrated book container, thanks to the wonderful Maintenance team. This is the third incarnation for this box, which was saved from the skip years ago, after having been used by a delivery company to transport some Science equipment to our School.

We will continue to think of other ways in which we can limit our footprint and suggestions are welcome!

In the meantime, I hope pupils will enjoy reading the books selected for Book Club. One of the choices for each of the three groups has an environmental theme. Further information can be found on the Library area of My School Portal and on the Briggs Library Google Classroom (access code ztpc6rw).


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