Autumn Promenade Concert - Friday 22 November

A significant fund-raising opportunity is provided by our Autumn Promenade Concert, which will take place from 1000 to 1200.
For those who have not been before, this is an unusual, but always highly popular event. There are simultaneous performances in different parts of the school site. It is a "promenade" concert because the audience is free to move from place to place, whilst the performers remain fixed. The audience may stay for as long or short a stint as they would like!
Refreshments will be available in the Quad throughout the event. Whilst the event does not align with Children in Need this year, we shall still be collecting money. There will be many boy buskers who will enjoy hearing the clattering of coins into buckets or instrument cases so please bring lots of change, rather than/in addition to notes!
The main outline of the day is below. The audience (any parent or guardian) may arrive at any point between 1000 and 1200. Juniors and Seniors will be performing, but parents of any age boy are welcome to come and see them play; indeed, for Pre-Prep parents this would be a very good way to find out more about what lies in store for you in future years, and half an hour before pick up wandering the site would be time very well spent! The Pre-Prep boys will be able to enjoy the morning too and are being taken around with their class teacher.
A site map, available on arrival, will indicate what is happening, and where:
- 1000 JCC and Jazz Band in the Octagon, individual instrumentalists* in different rooms, and busking outdoors
- 1100 Orchestra in the Pilgrims' Hall, Concert Band & Jazz Band in the Octagon, instrumentalists* in different rooms and busking outdoors
*We shall be writing to advise parents of individual instrumentalists (Junior and Seniors) under separate cover.
Seating in the Pilgrims' Hall to hear the Orchestra play is limited: this year's orchestra is very large. If you would like to hear the Orchestra, please collect a ticket for a given time slot on arrival in the Yard.
Pick-up for Junior and Senior day boys is 1200 in the Yard, and for Pre-Prep boys from the Pre-Prep entrance at 1200. Pick up for Boarders is at 1245 from the yard (the boys will be fed at 1200).
This event is always a delightfully madcap way to bring in the Exeat, and we very much hope to see you there!
Mr Russell du Plessis
Director of Music
Photos from last year's event: