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Wellbeing Matters

Thoughts, comments, ideas and pause for thought from members of our school and extended community.

May 2024

  • Don't forget to remember ...

    Published 24/05/24, by Angela Slater

    I often encourage boys to use memories from their past as a starting point for their writing, especially when someone tells me that they do not know what to write about. Memory serves as a powerful tool in our lives, and it is often very disconcerting when we struggle to remember something. Those of us who have family or loved ones facing challenges with dementia can attest to the pain of seeing someone struggle to pull all the strands of their life together because they have been lost in the ether.

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  • Mental Health Awareness Week: 13 – 19 May

    Published 17/05/24, by Angela Slater

    Mental Health Awareness Week, observed annually in May, serves as a crucial period for highlighting the importance of mental well-being and reducing the stigma associated with mental health issues.

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  • A Parent's Guide to Supporting Children through Pressure and Anxiety

    Published 10/05/24, by Angela Slater

    I have spoken with a number of parents this week who have children at home preparing for (and now writing) their GCSE exams. For many, it is a time of treading on eggshells, as their children’s anxiety around the exams is easily taken out on the nearest living being – mostly their parents! For many, the atmosphere at home might feel charged with tension and stress. For parents, watching their children navigate the pressures of exams can be both challenging and worrying. It's natural for young minds to feel overwhelmed by the weight of expectations, but as parents and teachers there are numerous ways to provide support and guidance to help them cope with exam pressure and anxiety effectively.

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  • In Pursuit of the McGuffin

    Published 03/05/24, by Angela Slater

    In the vast tapestry of cinematic storytelling, one trope stands out as both ubiquitous and enigmatic: the McGuffin. Coined by the legendary Alfred Hitchcock, a McGuffin is a plot device, an object of desire that drives characters forward, yet its intrinsic value often pales in comparison to the journey it initiates. It's this very essence of the McGuffin that lends itself as a compelling metaphor for the pursuit of true meaning, particularly in the realm of education.

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May 2024

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