Book Club

For Book Week this year, we enjoyed some Escape Room activities, a tutor group quiz and cake breaks - we've had a lovely week!
Tom Riddle, Atticus, McKee, were only some of the clues on the Connection wall. It is still on display by the Library door. Harry C has already received a prize, having identified the four groups of words related to books and the links that unite them. However, the solution has not been officially announced, and the challenge is still open – although the only reward available now is the satisfaction of solving the conundrum.
The first activity of our Book Week, the Escape Rooms, was based on three different stories: The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Percy Jackson. The entire school, including Pre-prep, tried to solve the riddles and quizzes to gain the exit; there was a considerable amount of activity around the corridors as the messengers darted to the Latin Room hoping to be the first ones to hand over the prized golden key. Congratulations to Mrs Duncan’s tutor group, to 4T and to 3B for being the first groups to open the door of their respective Escape Rooms. Well done to all the other groups for joining in with gusto and great sense of humour.
In the Friday Tutor Quiz, the boys tested knowledge of books. I loved listening to my tutees as they were arguing the merits of the answers quite energetically, but rapidly, as speed is of the essence in this game. They did very well, but it was Mr Lingard’s Y5 tutor group who earned the title on the day. Well done to them!
The two Book Club Cake Breaks were a joy. The Seniors conversed about The Final Year by Matthew Goodfellow with impressive maturity. A pupil commented ‘as a Year 6 it was very relatable: being split from friends, poetry homework’. They spoke at length about the style and the themes of the story; they examined the parallels between this and other stories they have read, making comparisons between the experiences of the protagonist, Nate, and his friends and their own. They all agreed that, despite the challenges met by Nate, the story was an uplifting one and positive.
The Junior pupils were equally keen to share their opinions of The Lucky Bottle by Chris Wormell. The parts they preferred included the preparation of a very special vessel, a bottle, as well as the exciting events and a sudden twist during Jack’s journey. Although ‘a little bit scary’ at times, this group of readers was eager to recommend this book to other children. We did try the magic on the wonderful cakes, hoping to see the delicious cupcakes growing ...
Many thanks to all the staff who supported the events and to Mrs Leslie, Miss Higham and Mr Orr for their help.
Mrs Brill
Head of Classics