Juniors’ Trip to The Theatre Royal, Winchester
This morning, boys from the Junior department followed the trail of Priscilla the Goose’s golden eggs to the Theatre Royal, Winchester for this year’s sell-out pantomime:
you’ve guessed it, Mother Goose.
We watched in horror as the kindly elderly ‘lady’ Mother Goose was taken in by evil Demon Vice (raises eyebrows) who wickedly promised a dip in the non-existent Fountain of Youth in return for Priscilla. After Fairy Virtue had sent the goose to lay her eggs and pay everyone’s rent, this seemed especially cruel. Everyone ‘’awwwwww’d when the (quite stocky) Mother Goose realised her error in prizing vanity over loyalty. Fortunately, Virtue was on hand once again to transport the key players to ‘Gooseland’, where ‘The King’ sang in the manner of ‘The King’ and decreed, after a little audience involvement, that Priscilla should be reunited with Mother Goose.
Pilgrims’ sat in the front rows and thoroughly enjoyed the performance, which was brim-full of traditional pantomime essentials – song and dance, corny jokes for the children and members of staff alike and loads of audience participation, including throwing eggs! It really was such incredibly good fun, a wonderful production and a new experience for some!
Huge thanks to the Pilgrims’ catering department for preparing all of our drinks and snacks to take with us, not to mention packed lunches on our return, and all the members of staff who accompanied the boys; it is certainly an experience to be recommended.
Miss Anne Erasmus
Year 3 Teacher