Celebrating National Poetry Day
Sarah Adkin, our Head of English, explains how one of our classes has been celebrating National Poetry Day and shares some of our boys’ beautiful poems.
In English so far this term, the scholars have been journeying into the world of poetic form, both analytically and creatively, and, inspired by Christina Rossetti’s ‘What is Pink?’ I challenged the boys to create their own poems about what it means to be a Pilgrim, echoing the style and structure (and humour, perhaps) of Rossetti’s writing. Writing of this nature is always subjective and I applaud the boys for their creativity – not only for the finished products, but for the whole process.
On Thursday 7 October, we celebrate National Poetry Day alongside our Harvest Festival Service at Winchester Cathedral. I'm tickled by how apt this is and immediately reach for John Keats’ ode ‘To Autumn’, inspired by his walks to St Cross through Cathedral Close and the water meadows:
Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run
So, I pose a question: what does autumn mean to you?
Answers in poetic form, please.