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Library news


Thank you again to all those pupils who have returned their library books, and please do return any more that are still at home if you can. Happy Summer Reading!

It is fantastic to see children enjoying the titles our library offers. Their prompt return ensures that all pupils can take advantage of the resources and that our budget is used to invest in new great books, rather than restocking lost ones. Therefore, any library book still lurking under a bed or behind a box of toys will be gratefully welcomed back in September.

We have already received a delivery of books which will be prepared over the summer to welcome the boys in September.

In the meantime, we invite pupils to enrol in the Summer Reading Challenges run by the public libraries. Please click the link here to join in. 

Supporting this amazing resource will ensure that they continue to deliver their precious services to the local community.

The Reading Suggestion lists will be available on the School portal and on the Briggs Library Google Classroom from Monday 11 July. To access the Briggs Library Google, pupils should open the Google Classroom area and use the code: ztpc6rw

Finally, we would like to know what, and where, our pupils are reading during the holidays. We would like to receive photos of children reading a book - at home, under a tree in the garden, on a Cornish beach, or on a train ..... Please send all photos to Mrs Leslie and they will be used for one of her splendid displays next term. 

Wishing you all a very happy summer.
Mrs Brill


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