Sharing memories

Year 3 call in to see our friends at the St Johns’ Almshouses.
Our community links are very special to us, and the Year 3 boys really enjoy our regular exchange of visits with the residents of the St John’s Almshouses. It was our turn to walk over to them again this week, and the conversation turned to thoughts about harvest and what it means to us all, young and old.
One lady chatted about the harvests when she lived on a farm in Zimbabwe, another talked of the absence of harvest celebrations during World War Two. It was fascinating and the boys asked some very interesting questions.
After drinks and biscuits (always a feature of our visits together), the socialising ended and the serious business of making pine cone and felt birds began! Everyone had tremendous fun and the boys were delighted to bring their ‘feathered friends’ away with them.
Many thanks to the Reverend Alison and the ladies and gentlemen who welcomed us so warmly once again. See you soon, it’s your turn to come to us next time!