"This is the best trip EVER!"

Lift-off for Year 1 at the Winchester Science Centre
This is the best trip EVER!" was the excited cry from one very happy boy as he explored the interactive exhibits at the Winchester Science Centre. Little Pilgrims could be spotted all about, thoroughly absorbed in a range of educational and highly engaging activities. Their favourites? A challenge to discover the best combination of wind and steam to make a tornado, an experiment to see how varying air pressure affects how high a ball can bounce, and a challenge to see who could make the best sail-propelled vehicle. This ended in a thrilling race as each boy's creation was propelled along by a fan. What a joy to see every boy learning so actively and with such enjoyment!
The boys also took part in their own special workshop, linked to our 'Out of this World' topic work. During this session, the boys were given the challenge of making a rocket that, when fuelled, would fly the length of the laboratory. Great fun was had building rockets in teams. The boys were quick to realise that they needed to modify their creations to make them more aerodynamic - this is our Plan, Do, Review. A second attempt saw three excellent feats of engineering zooming across the room. The boys were thrilled to see a real scientist filling their crafts with real rocket fuel - which produced such a satisfactory zoom!
A visit to the planetarium completed the trip. Here, the boys learnt about constellations, planets, and how to locate the North Star. Some fantastic reports of the trip have already been written back in school and they demonstrate just how much the boys learned, remembered, and enjoyed from their adventurous day.