Pilgrims' 'Top 10' Artists at King Edward VI School, Southampton

This week, on Tuesday, 12 March, ten of our finest senior artists exhibited one outstanding artwork each at the 6th annual Peter Folkes Prep School Exhibition, hosted by King Edward VI School, Southampton
This exhibition is a highlight of our school year, as it is our only opportunity to participate in an off-site 'public' exhibition, allowing us to meet other prep school artists and enjoy sharing the fruits of our hard work with our wider community.
Thank you to all the parents who came and supported their sons. I was immensely proud of the boys, their work, and their conduct throughout the evening.
Perhaps the greatest compliment of all that I received during the evening was when a number of KES teachers drew my attention to the "sketching" table where most of our boys were sitting, drawing away to their hearts' content. There is no reward greater than seeing that! Thank you, boys; long may this continue.
John Walters
Head of Art