Promenade Concert

The Autumn Promenade Concert last Friday was a fantastic celebration of talent and community spirit, and we are delighted to share that we raised an incredible £606.72 for BBC Children in Need!
The event showcased the immense variety of musical talent within our school community. From instrumentalists busking in the Yard to students perfecting their repertoire with Mr du Plessis, Mr Castle and Mr Eden, the concert offered an invaluable performance opportunity—particularly for those preparing for upcoming music exams. Meanwhile, our outstanding ensembles, including the JCC, Jazz Band, Concert Band, and Orchestra, entertained enthusiastic audiences in the Octagon and Pilgrims' Hall. It truly felt as though every corner of the school was alive with music!
A massive thank you to everyone who performed, accompanied, helped, or came along to support. Your generosity and enthusiasm made it a special morning and the perfect start to the exeat weekend!
Lewis Cullen
Music Administrator