Quirister Concert, Sunday 10 November

Music School, Winchester College
Last Sunday was a busy day for the Quiristers. Following the beautifully sung memorial service in the Winchester College Chapel, they moved to the recital hall of the College Music School where each of them performed on one of the two instruments they all play.
It is always a pleasure to listen to the boys sing, but it was even more rewarding to hear each boy exhibit the hard work they have put into practising their playing skills.
With Mr du Plessis and Miss Willcocks’s gracious help accompanying the boys, we heard pieces from Bach, Firth, Hall, Mackay, Beethoven, Mozart and many more, played on clarinet, guitar, piano, bassoon, violin, oboe, saxophone, cello and xylophone.
All the boys did really well, each showing that they had worked hard to increase their musical skills and we, as parents, were treated to a morning of great music and excellent performances.
Review by Svetlana Karova
Q parent