Spotlight on... Running Club

There are many keen runners at Pilgrims'. Find out what goes on at Running Club after school.
From pounding the pavements on the quiet back roads of Winchester, to stomping through the countryside of the Water Meadows and beyond. Running club is an inclusive, mixed ability 'commoner', a Pilgrims' extra-curricular club.
Keen Year 3 children through to national standard Year 8 runners all join in together! The most able boys run ahead to then loop back, and the determined, more moderately paced boys, keep plodding on to keep pace with our excellent Gap students. We usually run for around 30 - 40 minutes before returning to school for a stretch and some fun games. Last Thursday it was Capture the Flag and Dodgeball.
Slower athletes hurtling balls at Seb N, a fast Year 8, for setting a challenging running pace, is an enjoyable measure of revenge. A big thanks to the Gap students, whom without their support and supervision, this much-loved commoner would not be a possibility!
Adam Cleaver
Head of Year 7
Assistant Housemaster
Gap Coordinator