The Value of Self-Care

This year’s Children’s Mental Health Week has had ‘Let’s Connect’ as its theme, and boys have been challenged to demonstrate random acts of kindness to promote healthy relationships. Some of the Junior classes have also explored the relationships in their own lives in PSHEe lessons, where they read the story, The Invisible String by Patrice Karst, which highlights the invisible thread of love that connects us all to those we care for and hold dear.
We are often very good at identifying ways in which we can be kind to others, but seeking ways to be kind to ourselves is something we do less often. It’s almost as if we need permission to be kind to ourselves, and then feel very selfish and guilty about doing something about it.
We all know that we need to replenish ourselves emotionally from time to time, and this in turn feeds into our personal relationships, and benefits those around us. It is also very good for us to set boundaries in our lives, and to model this to our children. When healthy boundaries are in place, we are less inclined to feel resentful and burnt out as a result of trying to please everybody all the time.
I have included a link below by popular American researcher, author and lecturer, Brene Brown, entitled What is Self-Care? She offers some valuable insights into why it is important for us to find the right balance in our lives, and outlines some steps that can be put in place to achieve this.
I trust that you will be able to unwind a little over half-term, and spend some quality time connecting as families, as well as finding a few quiet moments for yourself at some point too.
Craig Cuyler
Assistant Deputy Head/Director of Wellbeing
Head of PSHEe/Deputy DSL/ Assistant Housemaster