Year 3 and 5 Shakespearean performance

All the world's a stage - at least, the Pilgrims' Hall was, last week, when it was transformed into an Athenian Forest last week for the Year 3 and 5 Production of A Midsummer Night's Dream.
The concept and script of the latest Year 3 and 5 production were the brainchild of our very own Head of French, Mr Power. With A Midsummer Night's Dream and Macbeth adaptations under his belt, we're on tenterhooks to know what Shakespearean treat will come our way next year!
This performance was no ordinary retelling of Shakespeare's well-known comedy. Fairies, magic and romance may spring to mind, but the talented boys portrayed a comedic and musical version, involving aliens, mind rays and bromance instead. Set over 2 nights, the boys performed their hearts out, bringing laughter and joy to two raucously supportive audiences. As well as terrific acting, sensational word play and outlandish costumes, the play showcased the range of musical talent that exists within the younger years, with a live band featuring violins, cellos, percussion, a double bass, all these accompanied by Mr Power and four senior boys on the ukulele.