Year 6 visit Winchester College Treasury

The two Year 6 forms made the very short journey to Winchester College Treasury this week, yet it was a long step back in time.
The wonderful collection at the Treasury includes Roman and Greek objects and our boys were presented with a selection of bronze items. Divided into three groups, they were invited to observe and make deductions about the possible function of each object. The plenary that followed was the opportunity to compare their thoughts and learn what their use was in Roman times.
Having asked the children to write about the object they found most fascinating, here are a couple of contributions, showing how the task really sparked good conversations and the boys' imagination:
The second object that I find interesting is an object that looks like keys but is different from the modern ones we use. Instead of the normal style prongs, they are spiky like a metal toothbrush. You would imagine how a normal key unlocks a door, but you can't imagine how you would unlock a door with this.
At first, we thought the object might have been a bell, but it had no clanger. Then we thought it could have been a corkscrew ... Finally, Inigo said it might be a snuffler (a thing you use to put out the fire). The lady explained that the person who made it must have spent a lot of time making it because the surface was engraved, and the handle was bent in a spiral shape.
Today at the Treasury I saw an object which is a sort of spoon with a sharp end. It has a thin handle and a sharp end. For the spoon head, from the handle, it bends downwards, and the spoon head is flat. I don't think it is a spoon because the handles wouldn't usually be that thin, so I think it may an assassin's device!
If your curiosity is piqued, consider visiting the Treasury, which is open to the general public. More information can be found at
Mrs Laura Brill
Head of Classics
Head of Year 6