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Mental health awareness is such a hot topic at the moment!  Lockdownhas provided a need and an opportunity to consider how vital it is to look after our health, for youngsters especially. The test always comes when things are tough - and for some of us, things are pretty tough right now. enter an introduction for your blog post here.

Kindness was the NHS suggestion for the focus of Mental Health Awareness Week, and it’s a very good one to have chosen.

Kindness can be inconvenient, embarrassing, difficult, and awkward.  It can also be life affirming, confidence boosting, friendship building, and joyful.  It can be a challenge to commit to kindness, but the rewards are oh, so worth it.

The Pilgrims’ boys have been set a challenge for over half term – to perform five random acts of kindness in one day, and also to be kind to a stranger.  I think that some boys might find this a 'real' challenge, because rather than doing it because they have been told to, or because they might benefit in return, they need to try and do it for the pure act of just doing it.  Also, strangers can be suspicious of young, helpful people – now is a time to try and change that!

More than anything, kindness is a manifestation that each of us contains the potential to make a difference in the world, and for no other reason than because it is right and good.

Keep safe, remain kind.

Matthew Shroff

Director of Wellbeing


Tagged  Juniors  Pre-Prep  Seniors 

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