D&T Remembrance Poppy installation

As the calendar ticks over to November, one cannot help turning their attention to the upcoming acts of Remembrance, which never escapes my imagination.
My thoughts often turn to my grandparents and their generation, and the belief and commitment they demonstrated over a sustained period in what one can only imagine were the most testing times. I feel lucky that my great-grandfather, member of the 9th Royal Scots, survived the Great War, even more so because he was awarded a Military Cross for exemplary gallantry, something which must have put his life at risk, but also safe in the knowledge he was helping others.
I also consider the impact the First World War had on my family and its destiny. Prior to the outbreak of the First World War, my great great aunt, who I knew well until she died at the age of 100 (and a half!), was engaged to a young man who volunteered to join the Army. He crossed the Channel and joined the masses of immensely brave men fighting on the front line in the trenches; sadly, he was struck by a mortar and perished.
My great great aunt, an extremely loyal and heartbroken woman, never married following his death, which I find a particularly endearing, but equally sad; I often wonder of the what ifs of that war and the vast and far-reaching impact it had on the nation and the destiny of families.
In memory of all who have fought, and especially to those who did not make it home, I wanted to honour their bravery with a simple installation in the days preceding Remembrance Sunday. In collaboration with the Pre-Prep, each boy in Year R to 2 has made a poppy from a discarded plastic bottle. Aside from D&T theme, the project draws on many strands, incorporating the reuse of waste, whilst also focussing the young minds on the historical significance of Armistice Day. I hope those that are able, will have a chance to appreciate the work of the boys and enjoy what is a modest, but poignant tribute to the sacrifice made by so many; we will remember them.
Alex Armstrong
Head of D&T