Debating Commoner, report from week 7

After the half-term break, our debating commoner engaged in an exciting session of Rebuttal Doubles Tennis. This fast-paced exercise aims to enhance both the quick thinking and impromptu argumentation skills that our young debaters need to work on.
Rebuttal Doubles Tennis: Sharpening Debate Skills
Match 1: Minority Languages
Topic: "Minority languages should be scrapped"
Proposition: Javier and Arthur
Opposition: Nathan C and Alfie L
The match began with Javier serving a strong argument about the inefficiency of maintaining minority languages in the modern world. Nathan swiftly returned, highlighting the cultural significance of these languages. Arthur emphasised the "minority" aspect and suggested scrapping Latin, but Alfie countered by pointing out Latin's importance in Catholicism. The rally concluded when Arthur claimed English was the only essential language, which Alfie rebutted as unrealistic. Much noise and laughter was had!
Match 2: Vegetarianism
Topic: "Everyone should choose to be a vegetarian"
Proposition: Zachary S and Zubin
Opposition: Boris and Tyler
Zachary opened with a compelling serve about animal welfare. Tyler's gentle return, questioning the impact of eating animals, was met with Zubin's forceful argument about potential animal scarcity. The opposition suggested reduced meat consumption as a compromise, but Zachary challenged the fairness to animals. After a brief intervention by the umpire to calm the enthusiastic audience, Boris served an argument about protein necessity. Zachary skilfully countered with a list of alternative protein sources, securing a win for the vegetarian side.
The Rebuttal Doubles Tennis exercise proved to be an effective and enjoyable way to practice quick thinking and fast arguments. While some points may not have been entirely accurate or convincing (!), the quick-paced nature of the game encouraged students to think on their feet and respond rapidly to opposing arguments.
Next week, we are back to formal debates with the motion “This House believes that the world should adopt a single currency”.
Proposition – Connor and Tyler
Opposition – Boris and Javier
Judges – Soichiro and Zubin
Mrs Bailey
Head of History