Q School Entrance restoration

Perhaps not the most exciting topic in the world, but we are very lucky at Q School to have the original Victorian ceramic tiled flooring in the entrance hallway.
It is, and always has been, a utilitarian space, but nevertheless has a beautifully simple encaustic tile design seen in many Victorian buildings. Over the years, since the building was purpose built for the Quiristers in 1893, the hallway has seen millions of footsteps and has been polished countless times, too. Until very recently, it was looking a little worse for wear and in need of some careful restoration.
Enter the house-keeping team, and in particular Lee, who has painstakingly scraped off by hand the damaged layers of polish and detritus. We are very grateful for Lee's efforts and also the wider house-keeping and maintenance teams in caring for our historic school buildings. The sight of the immaculate hallway flooring is a small pleasure, but one we may appreciate every day.
Steve Leslie
Q Housemaster