How will you make the most of the summer holiday?

This week's reflection was about the summer and thinking about how we can make the most of it.
Boys discussed what they are looking forward to most of all; what they are hoping to do; and how they plan to make the most of their time.
After the discussion, the boys watched a BBC Teach video about the British summer. The video contrasts how humans and animals respond to summertime. While insects search for food and pollinate, humans do not and are free to enjoy the good weather and take part in leisure activities. However, while summer rains have to be endured by humans and wild animals alike, limiting their behaviours, they are perfect for snails which can be seen moving around with ease and demolishing cabbages. Farmers need the good weather to harvest crops, and they work late into the night with combine harvesters to gather the grain before the rains come again.
After the video, pupils discussed how the natural environment impacts on what we can and cannot do; how the natural environment impacts our summer plans; and how we can work with our natural environment to make the most of the summer. They considered whether there are any environmental projects they might think about taking up, such as gardening.
Dr Paul Bryant
Head of Theology, Philosophy and Religion
Co-ordinator of SMSC, Lay Chaplain