Book Week

Book Week - Monday 29 November
Observant pupils will have spotted a couple of green hats rapidly appearing on the librarian's desk - and swiftly disappearing. They will also have noticed members of staff behaving somewhat furtively in the Briggs Library. All will become clear when the Book Week Quiz will be launched on Monday 29 November. Pupils, and parents, will be invited to recognise members of staff hiding behind a book and camouflaged by the School cap, all arranged in a rather challenging gallery.
Entries will be collected in the library during the week and the winner will receive a book token.
This year we will celebrate books and reading in our Book Week. The library, beautifully decorated by Mrs Leslie, will welcome the Cake Break sessions on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. I look forward to hearing from our pupils about the books they have read. This time each group has had a choice of two titles, inspired by current affairs, and there will be much to chat about. Our chef Sue is already planning the cake that will fuel the discussion. All I can disclose is that it will have a seasonal theme.
Every day of the week a member of staff will visit the Pre-Prep to read a story. We are all looking forward to this and we hope our youngest Pilgrims will enjoy the books we share.
Writer and Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society Rupert Attlee will meet boys in Year 6, 7 and 8 to talk about his book Lost at the End of the World.
It is most fitting that the PPA's second-hand book sale will also take place this week, on Tuesday, and I am sure the boys will find wonderful material to entertain them during the fast-approaching holidays.
Mrs Brill