Year 5 pen licences

Awards delight Year 5! Well done, boys.
On Thursday 25, the next group of boys to be awarded their pen licences were given the good news in Assembly! It was super to see their friends congratulate them and, even those who were disappointed this time grew visibly even more determined to do their best.
Gaining a pen licence isn’t always about the most stylish or only for those who find such things easier – it’s often about the boy who has tried his hardest to write in their best handwriting, to join consistently, to keep every letter on the line and to write in an even size without massively outsize letters being next to tiny ones. Remember, Y5 boys currently writing in pencil, we are always looking to reward hard work and magnificent endeavour.
To those who gained licences this week, you will recall that the Pilgrims’ way is to write in blue ink, and we’ll see you on Monday with those fountain pens at the ready!
Miss Erasmus