PPA Lunar lunch for Chinese New Year

Celebrating the Chinese New Year - Friday 20 January
All-singing, all-dancing and thoroughly delicious, the Pilgrims’ inaugural Lunar New Year feast was celebrated in a packed Pilgrims’ Hall. Over 60 guests from every year group enjoyed regional specialities including duck pancakes, dumplings, and scallops with rice noodles served on the shell. Just as spectacular were the traditional red and gold decorations, a backdrop for entertainment in the form of elegant dancing, kung fu with a loudly snapping fan, and music. And boys, this is the Year of the Rabbit, a creature known for intelligence which we hope bodes well for anyone sitting exams.
Thank you to so much to Jess for incredible organisation and her helpers Nina, Emily and Qi Qi. Thank you also to Mrs Talbot, the Pilgrims' Catering Manager, for preparing a Chinese feast for the boys.