Quirister Day

The Qs have had a busy but wonderful end of term. Last Thursday saw them sing their final Evensong of the year in the Winchester College Chapel as part of its full Chapel Choir.
To give a fitting sense of symmetry for the departing Year 8 Qs, the music for the Canticles was Stanford in B Flat, as it was at their first Evensong nearly four years ago. It was sung beautifully. As a Year 8 parent commented, it made the occasion a ‘neat and complete’ act.
On Saturday, after a busy Athletics Finals, the Qs sang in the Domum Service; the farewell for College leavers and their parents. This 'Towards Home' service had particular poignancy this year as it was also 'Domum' for Headmaster Dr Hands, a staunch supporter of the Qs, marking his retirement from the College.
The weekend continued with ‘Q Day’ on Sunday, opening with a Eucharist Service in Chapel, central to which was the Q Prizegiving, with the College's Second Master Mr Iain Smith presenting the prizes and attended by Mr Duncan and the Chair of Pilgrims' Governors, Mr Power. The action then moved to Wolvesey where the wider Q community enjoyed the annual, and closely contested, ‘boys versus parents cricket match’. This included a guest and most skilled appearance by Mr Ben Cunningham (the College's Assistant Director of Music and Chapel Organist) standing in for one Dad. Sustenance for all came from a delicious hog roast with all the trimmings and the day ended with speeches and gifts presented, with huge thanks, to all those who enable and support our boys to fulfil their, not inconsiderable, commitments as Qs and make excellence the achievable norm. Oh, and of course, the Qs (just) won the cricket again!
Bryony Pett
Q Parent
Q Parent
Year 8 Quiristers