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Talent in all areas

This week’s article will be necessarily short as I have spent much of my time writing reports for all the boys.

However, reading these reports, two things strike home which I'd like to share:

  1. Oh, my word your sons are talented!  The range of things that they are doing and are into is breathtaking
  2. The teachers really know your sons.

My first observation above has been and will be played out in full for everyone to see in the coming days as we wind down this academic year. Ocean Commotion, the LAMDA and Art and D&T shows and the Pre-Prep Sports Day this week, the Athletics Finals on Saturday, followed by the Summer concerts, Pre-Prep Final Assembly and the Prize-Giving next week, will give us all plenty of moments to marvel at the boys' talents and feel both proud and amazed.  Congratulations to every boy on what you have achieved this year, and thank you for showing us some of it in the next few days!

The second observation builds on what I wrote about last week – one of the marks of a GREAT teacher is to care. Deep care for another person is often reflective of how well that other person is known, and it is abundantly clear from reading the reports that the teachers really know your sons, and that they care a great deal. Some of their comments are laser-targeted in their focus; mostly it is encouragement and congratulation, but there are times when teachers also tell a few home truths and that is important too.  

Does your son read his report? I hope he does, as his engagement with the process is important.  Reports are written with the intention of highlighting what is going well, and suggesting what can be done to make things better. Children need both affirmation and constructive criticism in order to progress. 

Today, the Pre-Prep and Year 3 and 4 reports will be sent out, and next week the rest of the boys will receive theirs. When your son's report arrives, do take the time to sit down with him and talk him through what it’s all about.

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